angularjs - How to access $scope from $resource -

i need splice array on success. how call out $scope.list in order remove item list array? how should or there better way? bubbling "update" or something?

var phonecatservices = angular.module('phonecatservices', ['ngresource']);     var urlbase = '';      function resourceerrorhandler(response) {          console.log("error");     }     function resourceresponsehandler(response) {         console.log($scope.list);          $, 1);         console.log("success");     }     phonecatservices.factory('api_resource', ['$resource',       function($resource){         return $resource(urlbase+':api_resource/:id.json', {}, {           query: {method:'get', isarray:false},           save:{method:'post', isarray:false},           delete:{method:'delete', isarray:false, interceptor:{response:resourceresponsehandler, responseerror:resourceerrorhandler}},          });       }]); 

make $scope argument in functions , pass method call in controllers, or bundle in response object.


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