ember.js - Ember data - computed property not firing when model is updated with createRecord -

for reasons beyond scope of question, have populate ember data model named activity in searchroute using ember.$.getjson in model hook this:

app.searchroute = ember.route.extend({     model: function (params) {      // create promise return model hook. promise return ds.recordarray.     var modelpromise = new ember.rsvp.promise(function (resolve, reject) {          // make ajax call retrieve activities match search criteria         ember.$.getjson('/services/activities?query=' + params.q).then(function (data) {             data.activities.foreach(function (activity) {                  // if current activity not exist in store...                     if (!this.store.hasrecordforid('activity', activity.id)) {                          // add activity store                         this.store.createrecord('activity', {                             id: activity.id,                             title: activity.propertybag.title                         });                     }                }.bind(this));                 resolve(this.store.all('activity', { query: params.q }));              }.bind(this));         }.bind(this));          // return ds.recordarray model search route         return modelpromise;     } }); 

then, in searchcontroller model sorting , filtering before returning results computed property bound template displays results, this:

app.searchcontroller = ember.arraycontroller.extend({     filteredactivities: function () {         var model = this.get('model');          // complete various model sorting , filtering operations          return model;     }.property('model') }); 

here's template:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="activities">     {{#each item in filteredactivities}}         {{item.title}}     {{/each}} </script> 

every time search executed, model hook in searchroute refreshed, ajax request made, , store updated new activity records, if necessary.

the problem is, if create new records in store using createrecord , return new store query results model hook, filteredactivities property not fired , template not update.

i think because i'm returning newly updated ds.recordarray model hook, ember consider model having changed , fire computed properties watching changes model, must missing something.

does have ideas?

sorry long post, , thank taking time consider issue!

don't use createrecord. use push.



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