internet explorer - Strange IE11 HTML5 Video Issue -

i have been stumped before, never quite this. please bear me.

i have embedded mp4 video web page using html5 video tag follows:

<video poster="/media/video/cick_away_poster.png" controls width="560" height="315"> <source src="" type="video/mp4" /> <p>your browser not support video.</p> </video> 

the page hosted in house, on our corporation website. tried both relative , absolute links, used complete url video troubleshooting on different servers outside of our network. more on later.

i didn't think there issue until few people in our corporation informed me not see video in ie11 on pc.

  • i had them try in chrome , worked fine.
  • i double-checked in both ie11 , chrome on pc , works fine
  • i tried on freshly cast, updated windows 7 pc, , did not work , shows "your browser not support video."
  • i tried in chrome on new pc, , works fine.
  • i used bare code needed video. no change.

at point, scratching head. why work on machines , not others, in ie11? coworkers can see it, yet others cannot?

moving on:

  • i created page on our intranet server (also iis) , server (apache) , tested it. same results.
  • i created page on test server @ home , tested new pc located in office. voila! worked! wait...what?
  • i located other html5 videos on other external sites, , of them played on same machine using ie11.
  • i tried original page once again, kicks, , nothing.
  • i changed ip ip of new machine , vice versa. nothing
  • i compared ie settings, security settings, made sure windows firewall disabled on both machines, compared network name it. nothing.

now ready drink. makes no sense...

just because, decided instead of accessing site using fqdn, i'd try via server's ip address. works. huh?

to review:

  • in chrome using fqdn - video appears on machines
  • in ie11 using fqdn - hit , miss...appears on some, not on others.
  • in ie11 using pages hosted externally - video appears on machines
  • in ie11 using ip address of internally hosted server - video appears on machines

it led me consider dns issue, why work in chrome on machines? specific ie, on machines. flushed dns kicks....nothing.

i pointed out our network admin, , equally stumped. no errors, acts browser not html5 compliant when using fqdn on machines.


seems have answered own question:

we large corporation , image of our windows machines. coworker creates of our images added our domain compatibility mode list in ie. makes total sense think behavior occurring, never thought fact machines imaged while others not.


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