ios - WatchKit Force Menu Custom Icons Blurry -

i'm creating custom icons watchkit force menu. documentation says use 80 x 80 size image drawing area of 54px square. works fine, image, when displayed in button, looks blurry compared built-in button images.

i'm creating them in illustrator @ 80px square. saving .png image documentation says. sizing correct when saved @ 72 dpi. if higher causes image in button large. cannot find way scale image.

has run this? seems want use higher resolution image here or vector graphics.

you need save file @2x in filename support retina displays.

so if filename myicon.png rename myicon@2x.png. in code use myicon name, xcode automatically picks correct size.

for iphone 6, @3x required...

i recommend use images.xcassets in xcode maintaining images. there templates needed resolutions (@1x, @2x, @3x, ...). create icons in these several resolutions , drag files finder placeholders. later in code use name of image set in xcassets.

enter image description here


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