terminal - BMDCapture (bmdtools) capture with Ultrastudio Mini recorder results is color problems -

i'm trying blackmagic ultrastudio mini recorder stream via avconv hls. test, it's hooked appletv , command i'm using:

./bmdcapture -m 14 -c 0 -f nut -f pipe:1 | avconv -vsync passthrough -y -i - -vcodec copy -pix_fmt yuyv422 -strict experimental -f hls -hls_list_size 999 +live -strict experimental out.m3u8 

however, colors messed up; suggesting color format set incorrectly. input format 1280x720 @ 59.94 fps (which correct) , i've set format yuyv422 (though nothing else i've set has fixed error).

screenshot 1

got it!

the mini recorder shoots @ 10 bits rather 8 (which assumed considering adobe's live encoder said 8).

here fixed code:

./bmdcapture -m 14 -p yuv10 -c 0 -f nut -f pipe:1 | avconv -vsync passthrough -y -i - -vcodec copy -pix_fmt uyvy422 -strict experimental -f hls -hls_list_size 999 +live -strict experimental out.m3u8 


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