verilog - How to use structural unit? -
i write verilog code using simple adder(inbiult in xilinx itself) want replace using rns adder code made , gives module rns(clk,rst,a,b,c) a,b input of rns adder , c output.
and code using simple adder given code using enable ,for have use block....but in structural modelling(when call rns adder) how deal enable?
module output_adder_8(enable,s089,s318,s175,s250,s289,s118,s075,s350,s189,s218,s375,s050,s389,s018,s275,s150,r1,r3,r5,r7); input enable; input [13:0] s089,s175,s250,s318,s289,s118,s075,s350,s189,s218,s375,s050,s389,s018,s275,s150; output reg[15:0] r1,r3,r5,r7; reg [11:0] c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j; //reg [3:0] countp=4'b0000; always@* begin if (enable) c<= s089+s318; d<= s175+s250; r1<= c+d; e<= s289+s118; f<= s075-s350; r3<=f-e; g<= s218-s189; h<= s375+s050; r5<=g+h; i<= s018-s389; j<= s275-s150; r7<=i+j; end endmodule module shift_adder_8a( clk, z0, s018, s050, s075, s089,enable0 ); input clk; input [12:0] z0; output reg [13:0] s018; output reg [13:0] s050; output reg [13:0] s075; output reg [13:0] s089; output reg enable0; // temp reg declaration reg [3:0] count0=4'b0000; reg [13:0] d01, d02, d03, d04, d05, e01, e02, e03, e04; @(posedge clk ) begin d01 <= z0<< 3; d02 <= z0 << 4; d03 <= z0 << 6; if (count0==4'b0110) d04 <= e01 << 1; d05 <= e02 << 1; e01 <= d01 + z0; e02 <= d02 + e01; e03 <= d03 + e02; e04 <= e02 + d05; s018 <= d04; s050 <= d05; s075 <= e04; s089 <= e03; enable0<=1'b1; end
if want use own adder design instead of whatever builtin or equivalent synthesis+compliler tool gives you, need instantiate module instead of use +
operator. retain enable line, can have separate combinational block (either always @*
or assign
) passes output through if enable on or 0s on output if enable off. heres example:
module( enable, clk, rst, a, b, c ); input clk; input rst; input enable; input [15:0] a; input [15:0] b; output [15:0] c; wire [15:0] adder_out // adder rns rns_adder( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .a(a), .b(b), .c(adder_out) ); // enable line assign c = (enable) ? adder_out : 16'b0; endmodule
note: don't use non-blocking assignment (<=
) in always @*
blocks, use blocking assignment (=
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