javascript - Expected Object error in IE for downloading pdf -

i have function downloading pdf report. have created seperate js file this. report downloaded witout issue in google chrome. not downloaded in internet explorer version 11. showing error "expected object".

var selectedvalue = $(this).val();  	        if (selectedvalue == 'vesselsummary') {  	        	  	        	var $grid=$("#vessel_tab_main");   	        	var dm = $grid.pqgrid("option", "datamodel");  	        	var data =;  	        	$("#optionforvessel").empty();  	        	for(var i=1; i<data.length; i++){  	        		var newoption = document.createelement("option");  	        		var name=data[i].vslname;  	        		var index=data[i].vslid;  	        		  	        		newoption.text = name;  	            	newoption.value = index;  	            	optionforvessel.appendchild(newoption);  	        	}    	        	$("#optionforvessel").show();  	        }else{  	        	$("#optionforvessel").hide();  }        function tpcdry(val,rowindx){    if(rowindx!=0){  	vesselsubsummary.push({"selectedvslrulename":totitlecase(data3[val].poolrulename)  ,"selectedvslrulevalue":data[rowindx].tpc ,"selectedvslrulepoints":data2[rowindx].tpcvalue });    }else{       vesselsummaryadditionalone.push({"standardvslrulename":totitlecase(data3[val].poolrulename),"standardvslrulevalue":data[rowindx].tpc});       vesselsummaryadditionaltwo.push({"standardvslrulename":totitlecase(data3[val].poolrulename),"standardvslrulevalue":data[rowindx].tpc});   }   }

this code using. here inside if loop function showing expected object error. please me how can resolve this?


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