xcode - Fitting UIPicker and 3 text fields on 3.5 and 4 inch devices -

i have (from top bottom) 2 uilabels, 1 uipickerview, 3 uitexfield, , 1 button. given size of picker, upon keyboard appearing overlaps text fields on 3.5 , 4 inch devices. used code pop text fields when keyboard shows, i'm unsure picker. tried hiding upon keyboard it's sudden , user may want change choice can't easily. should picker given size limitations?

   override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()         countypicker.delegate = self         countypicker.datasource = self               nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: selector("keyboardwillshow:"), name:uikeyboardwillshownotification, object: nil);             nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: selector("keyboardwillhide:"), name:uikeyboardwillhidenotification, object: nil);         }          func keyboardwillshow(sender: nsnotification) {             self.view.frame.origin.y -= 150         }          func keyboardwillhide(sender: nsnotification) {             self.view.frame.origin.y += 150   //          countypicker.hidden = true      }      func numberofcomponentsinpickerview(pickerview: uipickerview) -> int {         return 1     }      func pickerview(pickerview: uipickerview, numberofrowsincomponent component: int) -> int {         return titledata.mdcounties.count     }      func pickerview(pickerview: uipickerview, didselectrow row: int, incomponent componefnt: int) {  //       countypicker.alpha = 0.3         selectedcounty = titledata.mdcounties[row].name     }      func pickerview(pickerview: uipickerview, titleforrow row: int, forcomponent component: int) -> string! {          return titledata.mdcounties[row].name!     } 

place 1 uipickerview , 3 uitexfield in single view , pop entire view when keyboard shows up.

as have written code pop text fields work out.

hope helps you. :)


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