haskell - How do you translate from lambda terms to interaction nets? -

on this paper, author suggests translation between lambda terms:

data term = 0 | succ term | app term term | lam term 

and interaction nets:

data net = -- if understood correctly     apply net net net      | abstract net net net     | delete net net int     | duplicate net net net int     | erase net 

unfortunately can not understand compilation algorithm. seems actual algorithm missing, , have no idea means images on third page. i've tried understanding looking @ published source code, author defines using own graph rewriting dsl have learn first. how translation implemented normal haskell function?

i have implementation of interaction net reduction in haskell uses strefs represent net graph structure in mutable way:

data nodetype = nrot               | nlam               | napp               | ndup int               | nera              deriving (show)  type nodeid = int type port s = stref s (node s, portnum)  data node s = node     { nodetype :: !nodetype     , nodeid :: !nodeid     , nodeport0, nodeport1, nodeport2 :: !(port s)     } 

conversion lambda terms implemented in separate module. not nicest code i've ever written, because it's straight transliteration of javascript implementation , didn't take time understand js version doing:

encodelam :: lam -> intnet s (node s) encodelam lam =     nexttag <-         ref <- lift $ newstref 0         return $ lift $             modifystref ref succ             readstref ref      let go scope (lam body) =             del <- mknode nera             lam <- mknode nlam             linkhalf lam p0             link (lam, p1) (del, p0)             link (del, p1) (del, p2)             bod <- go (lam:scope) (lam, p2) body             linkhalf lam p2 bod             return (lam, p0)         go scope (app f e) =             app <- mknode napp             linkhalf app p2             linkhalf app p0 =<< go scope (app, p0) f             linkhalf app p1 =<< go scope (app, p1) e             return (app, p2)         go scope (var v) =             let lam = scope !! v             (target, targetport) <- readport lam p1             case nodetype target of                 nera ->                     linkhalf lam p1                     return (lam, p1)                 _ ->                     dup <- mknode . ndup =<< nexttag                     linkhalf dup p0 (lam, p1)                     linkhalf dup p1                     link (dup, p2) =<< readport lam p1                     linkhalf lam p1 (dup, p0)                     return (dup, p1)      root <- asks root     enc <- go [] (root, p0) lam     linkhalf root p0 enc     return root 

it implements reverse transformation:

decodelam :: node s -> intnet s lam decodelam root =     (setdepth, getdepth) <-         ref <- lift $ newstref mempty         let set node depth = lift $ modifystref ref $                              intmap.insertwith (\ _new old -> old) (nodeid node) depth             node = lift $ (! nodeid node) <$> readstref ref         return (set, get)      let go depth exit (node, port) =             setdepth node depth             case nodetype node of                 ndup _ ->                     let (port', exit') = case port of                             p0 -> (head exit, tail exit)                             _ -> (p0, port:exit)                     go depth exit' =<< readport node port'                 nlam -> case port of                     p1 ->                         depth' <- getdepth node                         return $ var (depth - depth' - 1)                     _ -> lam <$> (go (succ depth) exit =<< readport node p2)                 napp ->                     f <- go depth exit =<< readport node p0                     e <- go depth exit =<< readport node p1                     return $ app f e     go 0 [] =<< readport root p0 


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