Python : Iterate through list and sublists and match first elements and do some more manipulations -

i new python, want know if there built in function or other way below in python 2.7:

iterate through list , sublists , if value of first element matches value of first sublist element, delete first sublist element , put other elements in sublist in outside list. sublists. see below examples better understanding of requirement.


input  : ['or', ['or', 'r', '-b'], 'w'] output : ['or', 'r', '-b', 'w'] 

here, 'or' , 'or' matched in main list , sublist, remove 'or' in sublist , put other elements in sublist 'r' , '-b' in main list

input : ['and', ['and', ['or', '-p', 'r'], ['or', 'q', 'r']], ['or', '-p', '-r']] output : ['and', ['or', '-p', 'r'], ['or', 'q', 'r'], ['or', '-p', '-r']] 

here, 'and' , 'and' matched in main list , sublist

input : ['and', ['and', ['or', 'a', 'c'], ['or', 'a', 'd']], ['and', ['or', 'b', 'c'], ['or', 'b', 'd']]] output : ['and', ['or', 'a', 'c'], ['or', 'a', 'd'], ['or', 'b', 'c'], ['or', 'b', 'd']]  

here, 'and' , 'and' matched in main list , sublist1, remove 'and' in sublist1 , put other elements in sublist1 in main list. 'and' , 'and' matched in main list , sublist2, remove 'and' in sublist2 , put other elements in sublist2 in main list.

hope explained questions examples


these 2 work: 1 recursively, 1 not. however, only work lists, annoying. if switch checking iterables, they'll eat strings. i'll figure out fix in moment.

def condense(l):     outp = [l[0]]      x in l[1:]:         if isinstance(x,list) , x[0]==l[0]:             outp += x[1:]         else:             outp.append(x)     return outp def condense_r(l):     outp = [l[0]]      x in l[1:]:         if isinstance(x,list):             z = condense_r(x)             if z[0]==l[0]:                 outp += z[1:]             else:                 outp.append(z)         else:             outp.append(x)     return outp 

essentially, these go through , check saying.


if you'd rather able operate on generic sequences, work: checks if sequence, , makes sure isn't string:

import collections def condense(l):     outp = [l[0]]      x in l[1:]:         if isinstance(x,collections.sequence) \             , not isinstance(x,basestring) , x[0]==l[0]:             outp += x[1:]         else:             outp.append(x)     return outp def condense_r(l):     outp = [l[0]]      x in l[1:]:         if isinstance(x,collections.sequence) , not isinstance(x,basestring):             z = condense_r(x)             if z[0]==l[0]:                 outp += z[1:]             else:                 outp.append(z)         else:             outp.append(x)     return outp 


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