angularjs - Listening to `set_at` event using the ui-gmap-polygon -

i'm using drawingmanager allow users draw shapes on map. once shape drawn, set listener on polygon's path can react after path has been changed:

var polygonpath = event.overlay.getpath(); google.maps.event.addlistener(polygonpath, 'set_at', function () {      // code... }); 

this works great when user adds new shape using drawing tool. however, if have polygons in database displaying ui-gmap-polygon angularjs directive (from angular-google-maps project), how can listen set_at event since event not on polygon, instead, on polygon's path (mvcarray)?

the place able find reference set_at in source code of angular-google-maps project in file, doesn't being exposed.

if can't listen set_at event directly using directive, hope there event gets triggered when directive creates polygon can polygon's path , add listener that, code above.

i have put jsfiddle basic structure, along events object. handles polygon's mouseover , mouseout, not set_at event.

give try below approach.

directive('uigmappolygon', function ($timeout) {   return {     restrict: 'e',     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {        // make sure polygon rendered before accessing it.        // next 2 lines trick.       $timeout(function () {         // know properties $$ not use, can't away without using $$childhead         scope.$$childhead.control.promise.then(function () {           // polygons           var polygons = scope.$$childhead.control.polygons;           // iterate on polygons           polygons.foreach(function (polygon) {             // google.maps.polygon instance bound polygon             var gobject = polygon.gobject;              // paths of polygon             var paths = gobject.getpaths();             // register events.             paths.foreach(function (path) {               google.maps.event.addlistener(path, 'insert_at', function () {                 console.log('insert_at event');               });                google.maps.event.addlistener(path, 'remove_at', function () {                   console.log('remove_at event');               });                google.maps.event.addlistener(path, 'set_at', function () {                   console.log('set_at event');               });             })           })         })       });     }   } }) 

working plnkr


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