ios - NSImageView ClipsToBounds -

i have ios app uses code below. creating app mac os x , same effect not seem able use clipstobounds. should using? have rest of code working on mac, not part. thanks

var myimage = uiimage()                    let view = uiimageview(frame: cgrectmake(0, 0, 100, 100))                view.contentmode = uiviewcontentmode.scaleaspectfill view.layer.opacity = opacity view.layer.cornerradius = cornerradius view.clipstobounds = true view.image = self.myimage self.mainview.addsubview(view) 

you should have showed cocoa code , had tried.

in case, cocoa views clip bounds default. if don't want image scaled, set imagescaling property nsimagescalenone.


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