javascript - Keeping a checkbox checked with local storage but also filter a list on load -

alright, is/was 2 part question, posted function:

$(function () {     var data = localstorage.getitem("filter-by");      if (data !== null) {         $("input[name='filters']").attr("checked", "checked");     }   });    $("input[name='filters']").click(function () {      if ($(this).is(":checked")) {         localstorage.setitem("filter-by", $(this).val());     } else {         localstorage.removeitem("filters");     }  }); 

as start re-checking checkbox after load using local storage. after trial , error able me write new function:

$("input[name='filters']").click(function () {   var items = localstorage.getitem("filter-by") || [];   var data ='filter-by');    if ($(this).is(":checked")) {     items.push(data);   } else if (items.indexof(data) >= 0) {     items.splice(items.indexof(data), 1);   }    if (items.length > 0) {     localstorage.setitem("filter-by", items);   } else {     localstorage.removeitem("filter-by");   } });   $(function () {   var items = localstorage.getitem("filter-by") || [];    $("input[name='filters']").each(function(index, input) {     var data = $(input).data('filter-by');     if (items.indexof(data) >= 0) {       $(input).attr('checked', 'checked');     }   }); }); 

with function, i'm able store checkboxes checked, list not filter. how can go making list filter on refresh well, using either of functions?

i using input looks this:

<input type="checkbox" name="filters" data-filter-by="brand a" ng-click="includebrand('brand a')" />brand 

thanks guys!

either have trigger click event or need call includebrand(filterstring) function each of checked items on page load.


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