php - Zend Form Input Element -

it's form class:

<?php  class application_form_message extends zend_form {      public function init()     {         $this->setmethod('post');          $this->addelement(             'text',             'email',             array(                 'label' => 'e-mail',                 'filters'  => array('stringtrim'),                 'class'    => 'size-large-big',                 'required' => true             )         );          $this->addelement(             'text',             'subject',             array(                 'label' => 'subject',                 'filters'  => array('stringtrim'),                 'class'    => 'size-large-big',                 'required' => true             )         );          $this->addelement(             'textarea',             'content',             array(                 'label' => 'content',                 'filters'  => array('stringtrim'),                 'class'    => 'size-large-big',                 'required' => true             )         );          $this->addelement(             'file',             'file',             array(                 'label' => 'attachments',                 'filters'  => array('stringtrim'),                 'class'    => 'size-large-big',                 'isarray' => true,                 'required' => false,                 'allowempty' => true,                  'style' => 'display: inline;'             )         );          $this->file->setdestination(realpath(application_path . '/../public/uploads'))             ->addvalidator('extension', false, 'png, jpg, jpeg', 'pdf', 'doc', 'docx');                  $this->file->getvalidator('upload')->setmessages(array(             zend_validate_file_upload::no_file => 'empty filename',         ));          $this->addelement(             'submit',             'submit',             array(                 'ignore'   => true,                 'label'    => 'send',                 'class'    => 'btn'             )         );     }   } 

my view:

 <div class="container" >      <section class="main">         <form action="<?php echo  $this->form->getaction(); ?>" method="<?php echo  $this->form->getmethod(); ?>">             <ul class="form-inputs login">               <h2>message</h2>                <p><?php echo $this->page->content; ?></p>               <li>                 <?php echo  $this->form->email->renderlabel(); ?>                 <?php echo  $this->form->email->renderviewhelper(); ?>               </li>               <li>                 <?php echo  $this->form->subject->renderlabel(); ?>                 <?php echo  $this->form->subject->renderviewhelper(); ?>               </li>               <li>                 <?php echo  $this->form->content->renderlabel(); ?>                 <?php echo  $this->form->content->renderviewhelper(); ?>               </li>               <li>                 <?php echo  $this->form->file->renderlabel(); ?>                 <?php echo  $this->form->file->renderfile(); ?>               </li>               <li>                 <?php echo  $this->form->submit->renderviewhelper(); ?>               </li>             </ul>         </form>     </section>   </div> 

the problem form isn't valid, if fill inputs , add 1 file.

 print_r($form->getmessages()); //error messages                 print_r($form->geterrors()); //error codes                 print_r($form->geterrormessages()); //any custom error messages 


public function newaction()     {         $page = new application_model_dbtable_page();          $form = new application_form_message();          if($this->getrequest()->ispost())         {             if ($form->isvalid($this->getrequest()->getpost()))             {                 $data = $form->getvalues();                 die('its ok');                 $this->_sendcomplaint($data['subject'], $data['content'], $data['email']);             }             else              {                 print_r($form->getmessages()); //error messages                 print_r($form->geterrors()); //error codes                 print_r($form->geterrormessages()); //any custom error messages             }         }            else             $form->email->setvalue($this->view->userdetails->email);            $this->view->page = $page->getpagebyslug('message');          $this->view->form = $form;          $this->view->pagename = 'message';     } 

return me nothing, empty arrays: array ( ) array ( [email] => array ( ) [subject] => array ( ) [content] => array ( ) [file] => array ( ) [submit] => array ( ) ) array ( )

thanks help.

i found problem myself, enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute missing in form tag.


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