Biztalk Distinguished field issue -

i'm passing message in biztalk resulting in following suspended message:

inner exception: failure occurred while evaluating distinguished field messagestatus against message part data. message part data not contain @ least 1 of nodes specified xpath expression (listed below) corresponds distinguished field. cause error may message part data has not been initialized or message part data not conform message

in orchestration i'm using map maps id called textid textid field in constructed message "messageattempt". have field called messagestatus value set "nothing" not confused .

after map use message assignment shape set messageattempt.messagestatus element "attempted" following code:

message_messageattempt.messagestatus = var_attempt; 

i been trying figure out day. have similar constructedmessage/transform/assignment shape on different branch in orchestration set same , works fine. i'm not sure missing.

the xpath functoin can't find element. there 2 possible reasons this.

  1. the element doesn't exist. if doesn't exist, have create first. can in map setting value property <empty>, or using empty string concatenate functoid output node.
    should able verify going group hub, opening suspended message, , viewing message part. you'll find doesn't contain node xpath refers to.

  2. the namespaces in message not qualified properly. xpath in orchestrations runs issues if don't use namespace prefixes message , rely on default/empty xmlns.


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