How to draw in javascript canvas and compare it to a shape? -

so keep short i'm wondering how able track user drawing moment click when let go , compare check accuracy say, perfect circle?

would possible, , if best ways check accuracy compared perfect circle , how?

also thinking of if user has drawn circle start , end points don't meet, maybe draw line connect them, etc?

i did "stay inside text" game while back. try trace number. more stay inside lines while tracing, higher score is.

you're welcome start , modify needed. :-)

enter image description here

var canvas=document.getelementbyid("canvas");  var ctx=canvas.getcontext("2d");  var $canvas=$("#canvas");  var canvasoffset=$canvas.offset();  var offsetx=canvasoffset.left;  var;  var scrollx=$canvas.scrollleft();  var scrolly=$canvas.scrolltop();      ctx.font="216px arial";  ctx.fillstyle="white";  ctx.filltext("2",100,200);  ctx.stroketext("2",100,200);    var cw=canvas.width;  var ch=canvas.height;  var imgdata=ctx.getimagedata(0,0,cw,ch);  var;    var isdown=false;  var wasinside=true;  var score=0;    function draw(mousex,mousey){      var alpha = data[((cw*mousey)+mousex)*4+3];      score+=(alpha>19?1:-1);      if(alpha<20 && wasinside){      wasinside=false;      ctx.fillstyle="white";      ctx.fillrect(0,0,cw,ch);      ctx.fillstyle="white";      ctx.filltext("2",100,200);      ctx.stroketext("2",100,200);    }else if(alpha>19 && !wasinside){      wasinside=true;      ctx.fillstyle="white";      ctx.fillrect(0,0,cw,ch);      ctx.fillstyle="green";      ctx.filltext("2",100,200);      ctx.stroketext("2",100,200);    }    }    function handlemousedown(e){    e.preventdefault();    mousex=parseint(e.clientx-offsetx);    mousey=parseint(e.clienty-offsety);    var alpha = data[((cw*mousey)+mousex)*4+3];    wasinside=(alpha<20);    score=0;    isdown=true;    draw(mousex,mousey);  }    function handlemouseup(e){    e.preventdefault();    isdown=false;    $("#score").text("score: "+score);  }    function handlemouseout(e){    e.preventdefault();    isdown=false;  }    function handlemousemove(e){    if(!isdown){return;}    e.preventdefault();    mousex=parseint(e.clientx-offsetx);    mousey=parseint(e.clienty-offsety);    draw(mousex,mousey);  }    $("#canvas").mousedown(function(e){handlemousedown(e);});  $("#canvas").mousemove(function(e){handlemousemove(e);});  $("#canvas").mouseup(function(e){handlemouseup(e);});  $("#canvas").mouseout(function(e){handlemouseout(e);});    $(window).scroll(function(){      var bb=canvas.getboundingclientrect();      offsetx=bb.left;;  });
body{ background-color: white; }  #canvas{border:1px solid red;}
<script src=""></script>  <h4>drag inside number<br>number stays green while you're inside.</h4>  <h3 id="score">score:</h3>  <canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas>


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