html - Embedd ppt file in Iframe -

is correct? or there way it? can u please me code? aim display ppt file onto frame when click link.

<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> ul li{        font-size: 11px;        list-style: none;       } ul li a{         text-decoration: none; } </style> </head>  <body bgcolor="lightgray">   <ul>      <li><a href="  url=wbste/ppt/smime.pptx&embedded=true" target="disiframe"><font   face="lucida sans" color="black" >s/mime</font></a></li><br>    </ul>  </body> </html> 

make sure define iframe, src iframe page source

<iframe name="disiframe" src="target.html"></iframe> 

here's working example

<body>      <a href="" target="myiframe">link text</a>      <iframe src="" name = "myiframe"></iframe>  </body>


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