java - Start tomcat7:run maven plugin within eclipse and debug -

i want debug webapp in eclipse. point tomcat , webapp ran inside of eclipse in debug mode, breakpoints in webapp code have no effect.

webapp maven artifact , use m2e plugin in eclipse bridge between maven , eclipse.

i've managed start tomcat server within eclipse. webapp started in tomcat nicely, in debug mode if choose so:

  • in eclipse, right-click project
  • run > maven build... (not "maven build")
  • a window opens. in text field "goals", enter "tomcat7:run"
  • click apply
  • click run

the tomcat server starts running , stdlog printed window within eclipse. can stop conveniently , start again in debug mode. far, that's want , expect.

set breakpoint in code of webapp , restart tomcat in debug mode within eclipse. now, breakpoint isn't active: doesn't have little tickmark active breakpoints have , know code executed, doesn't stop @ breakpoint.

there can 2 ways fix , need 1 or both of them. open run configuration, then

problem+solution 1 (fork)
if tomcat forked in vm, need add parameter forkmode value of never. allows eclipse "look through" tomcat's vm , set breakpoints there.

problem+solution 2 (source)
in setups maven parent , child artifacts, can happen eclipse not aware source of child project belong webapp. symptom of execution stopped @ breakpoint, eclipse not automatically jump source location , instead tells source unknown.
solve this, need add source of child project run configuratuon: in run configuration, go source > add... > java project , pick relevant projects contain source code might want debug.


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