javascript - Codelab's webrtc complete only allows for one connection? How do I allow more? -

i using code codelab's webrtc guide, complete step 7 code. modified main little bit, in sense room not "foo" value between 0 , 1 (math.random between 0 , 1). has possibility of creating 2 different rooms. now, host on localhost, open 2 tabs, refresh until both same "room number" , connect. works fine.

then, open 2 more tabs , wait until each 1 has same room number. like, if other ones had room number 0, wait until second 2 tabs have room 1. still don't connect! seems code doesn't allow more 1 connection , can't figure out why. have ideas? i'm sure must simple fix, somewhere in there can replace "1" ">0" or something.


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