javascript - Display number of LinkedIn shares, client-only, without authentication - correctly shows number of shares (935 @ moment).

i'm trying display number in client:

$.getjson('', { datatype: "jsonp" }, function (data) {     alert(data.count); }); 

because of x-content-type-options: nosniff header being returned, i'm getting refuse execute script error in chrome:

refused execute script '' because mime type ('application/json') not executable, , strict mime type checking enabled.

is there workaround (aside routing request through proxy), or impossible, as case github, unless linkedin fixes issue?

this looks duplicate of post: get linkedin share count jsonp

here's answer recomended on there:

mycallback = function(data) {   alert(data.count); };  var url = ""; $.getscript(url); 

here's fiddle demonstrate:


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