javascript - RequireJS sugar for main require -

my javascript file starts configuration...

require.config({     baseurl: 'scripts',     paths: {         'code-mirror': 'codemirror/main',         'esprima': '',         'jquery': '',     }, }) 

...and requires...

require( ['jquery', 'code-mirror', 'profile', 'feedback', 'browser-detect'], function($, codemirror, undefined, feedback, browser){ 

...and works! now, attempted use sugar syntax instead, so...

require( function(require){  var $ = require('jquery'),     codemirror = require('code-mirror'),     undefined = require('profile'), // functions bound window     feedback = require('feedback'),     browser = require('browser-detect'); 

...and not work! why? thank you!

the commonjs sugar syntax available define, not require.

if @ source code of requirejs, regular expression named cjsrequireregexp. regular expression used deal commonjs syntax. search occurrences: you'll see used define.


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