javascript - Firebase - Push to pushed data -
here's data
{ "deck" : { "-jkpwaniekjqvsdtpd4m" : { "deck" : "deck 1", "user" : "simplelogin:1" }, "-jkq4unexm-qwho_u2yo" : { "deck" : "deck 2", "user" : "simplelogin:1" }, "-jkq5-ii1q5ym6w3ytmg" : { "deck" : "deck 3", "user" : "simplelogin:6" }, "-jks5mbmhmpb9mwnnocj" : { "deck" : "deck 4", "user" : "simplelogin:1" } } }
if want add:
cards: { "-generatedkey":{ "title":"foo", "text":"bar", } }
to item deck "deck 2", how select object push it. end result be:
{ "deck" : { "-jkpwaniekjqvsdtpd4m" : { "deck" : "deck 1", "user" : "simplelogin:1" }, "-jkq4unexm-qwho_u2yo" : { cards: { "-generatedkey":{ "title":"foo", "text":"bar", } } "deck" : "deck 2", "user" : "simplelogin:1" }, "-jkq5-ii1q5ym6w3ytmg" : { "deck" : "deck 3", "user" : "simplelogin:6" }, "-jks5mbmhmpb9mwnnocj" : { "deck" : "deck 4", "user" : "simplelogin:1" } } }
here tried:
deckref.orderbychild('deckname').equalto('deck 2').push({ card: { title: 'foo', text: 'bar' } });
but returned error. do achieve this?
deckref.orderbychild('deckname').equalto('deck 2')
returns query, not ref. query can match many nodes. though in case matches one, need first capture 1 node ref able push
var query = deckref.orderbychild('deckname').equalto('deck 2'); query.once('child_added', function(snapshot) { snapshot.ref().child('cards').push({ title: 'foo', text: 'bar' }); });
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