mysql - Error 1064 when updating a table -

when updating table error:

my table speech


no  speec   check 1   45      0 

and structure :

1 -no   int(100)            no  none    auto_increment  browse distinct values  change  drop    primary     unique  index   fulltext  2- speec    varchar(100)    latin1_swedish_ci       no  none        browse distinct values  change  drop    primary     unique  index   fulltext  3 - check   int(100)            no  none        browse distinct values  change  drop    primary     unique  index   fulltext 

when updating using command :

update speech set check=1 no=1 

i error:

1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'check=1 no=1' @ line 1

please me in issue

check reserved, word

you need escape using backtics as

update speech set `check`=1 no=1 


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