ocaml - OCamlfind local library unbound module -

i trying use ocamlfind install library. using ocamlmakefile. here makefile:

ocamlmakefile = ocamlmakefile  result = owebl sources = src/utils.ml src/verb.ml src/request.ml src/template.ml src/response.ml src/rule.ml src/handler.ml src/server.ml packs = unix str  all: native-code-library byte-code-library install: libinstall uninstall: libuninstall  include $(ocamlmakefile) 

so library collection of modules want distribute. basic usage of library (main.ml):

open response open rule open verb open server  let handler =     handler.create         (staticrouterule.create "/" [get])         (fileresponse.create             ~static_file:(fileresponse.staticfile "/index.html")             ())  let server = server.create "" 8080 [handler];;  server#serve 

i compile library running "make". generates 3 files: "owebl.a, owebl.cma, owebl.cmxa". install library using ocamlfind:

ocamlfind install owebl meta owebl.a owebl.cma owebl.cmxa 

oh, meta file is:

version = "0.1" name = "owebl" description = "a web framework ocaml" archive(byte) = "owebl.cma" archive(native) = "owebl.cmxa" requires = "unix,str" 

everything works until try compile above example uses library. run:

ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkgs owebl main.native 

and get:

ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkgs owebl main.native + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -package owebl -o main.cmo main.ml file "main.ml", line 1, characters 5-10: error: unbound module owebl command exited code 2. hint: recursive traversal of subdirectories not enabled build,   working directory not ocamlbuild project (no   '_tags' or 'myocamlbuild.ml' file). if have modules in subdirectories,   should add option "-r" or create empty '_tags' file.    enable recursive traversal subdirectories only, can use   following '_tags' file:        true: -traverse       <dir1> or <dir2>: traverse  compilation unsuccessful after building 2 targets (1 cached) in 00:00:00. make: *** [fileserver] error 10 

i tried adding open owebl beginning of main.ml got "unbound module owebl" similarly. i'm pretty lost why these modules unbound. missing?

you should use lib_pack_name variable if want pack modules under umbrella namespace, owebl, otherwise available is, e.g. response, rule, etc. also, should specify mli files ml files in sources variable. , finally, shouldn't forget install cmi files, .a files. installing mli files considered tradition, although not strictly required. also, consider using ocamlmakefile installation facilities instead of custom installation script.


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