c# - ShowDialogue not generating DialogueResult.OK -

i'm writing program that's supposed download off github. has link raw file on github. i'm using downloaddataasync download it, , have progress bar track how far in download. gets 100%, nothing.

i've been following tutorial c# updater bettercoder (the beginning starts here , relevant part part 9 of series).

this part stops working properly:

private void downloadupdate(saveyourupdatexml update) {     sharpupdatedownloadform form = new sharpupdatedownloadform(update.uri, update.md5, this.applicationinfo.applicationicon);     debug.writeline("form created");     dialogresult result = form.showdialog(this.applicationinfo.context);     debug.writeline("got result");      if (result == dialogresult.ok)     {         string currentpath = this.applicationinfo.applicationassembly.location;         string newpath = path.getdirectoryname(currentpath) + "\\" + update.filename;          updateapplication(form.tempfilepath, currentpath, newpath, update.launchargs);          application.exit();     } } 

it never gets "got result" part unless cancel it. also, this.applicationinfo.context returns form. however, "form created".

i think there's wrong way showdialog used or something, i'm not sure what.

edit: happens when sharpupdatedownloadform created.

internal sharpupdatedownloadform(uri location, string md5, icon programicon) {     initializecomponent();     if (programicon != null)     {         this.icon = programicon;     }      tempfile = path.gettempfilename();     this.md5 = md5;     webclient = new webclient();      webclient.downloadprogresschanged += new downloadprogresschangedeventhandler(webclient_downloadprogresschanged);     webclient.downloadfilecompleted += new asynccompletedeventhandler(webclient_downloadfilecompleted);      bgworker = new backgroundworker();     bgworker.dowork += new doworkeventhandler(bgworker_dowork);     bgworker.runworkercompleted += new runworkercompletedeventhandler(bgworker_runworkercompleted);      try     {         webclient.downloaddataasync(location, this.tempfile);     }      catch     {         this.dialogresult = dialogresult.no;         this.close();     } } 

this should happen when download completed:

private void webclient_downloadfilecompleted(object sender, asynccompletedeventargs e) {     if (e.error != null)     {         this.dialogresult = dialogresult.no;         this.close();     }     else if (e.cancelled)     {         this.dialogresult = dialogresult.abort;         this.close();     }     else     {         lblprogress.text = "verifying download...";         progressbar.style = progressbarstyle.marquee;          bgworker.runworkerasync(new string[] {this.tempfile, this.md5});     } } 

this bgworker_runworkercompleted

private void bgworker_runworkercompleted(object sender, runworkercompletedeventargs e) {     this.dialogresult = (dialogresult)e.result;     this.close(); } 

and bgworker_dowork

private void bgworker_dowork(object sender, doworkeventargs e) {         string file = ((string[])e.argument)[0];         string updatemd5 = ((string[])e.argument)[1];          if (hasher.hashfile(file, hashtype.md5) != updatemd5)             e.result = dialogresult.no;         else             e.result = dialogresult.ok;     } 

when webclient.downloaddataasync completes, fires downloaddatacompleted event, not downloadfilecompleted - 1 registered.

the fix is, if use webclient.downloaddataasync, register downloaddatacompleted event; note 2nd argument webclient_downloaddatacompleted different.

webclient.downloaddatacompleted += new downloaddatacompletedeventhandler(webclient_downloaddatacompleted); 


private void webclient_downloaddatacompleted(object sender, downloaddatacompletedeventargs e) {      ... } 


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