java - Get Image/Transform/Shape to rotate to Follow Mouse Cursor in JavaFX -

i have tried this, @ positions, object, in case, imageview, "teleport" degree.

how can make not choppy , follow mouse cursor in javafx scene?

i did in blog post how create heat seeking missile.

the relevant part code fragment:

public void move() {     spritebase follower = this;     if( target != null)    {     //get distance between follower , target     double distancex = target.getcenterx() - follower.getcenterx();     double distancey = target.getcentery() - follower.getcentery();      //get total distance 1 number     double distancetotal = math.sqrt(distancex * distancex + distancey * distancey);      //calculate how move     double movedistancex = this.turnrate * distancex / distancetotal;     double movedistancey = this.turnrate * distancey / distancetotal;      //increase current speed     follower.dx += movedistancex;     follower.dy += movedistancey;      //get total move distance     double totalmove = math.sqrt(follower.dx * follower.dx + follower.dy * follower.dy);      //apply easing     follower.dx = missilespeed * follower.dx/totalmove;     follower.dy = missilespeed * follower.dy/totalmove;     }      //move follower    follower.x += follower.dx;    follower.y += follower.dy;     //rotate follower toward target    double angle = math.atan2(follower.dy, follower.dx);    double degrees = math.todegrees(angle) + 90;     follower.r = degrees;    }   

the follower object , target mouse cursor. use java 8 features of point2d calculate distance, make code less. didn't compatibility reasons java 7.

let me know if helps you. if isn't you're looking for, please more precise.


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