java - Isn't notifyDataSetChanged enough to force an adapter to redisplay the items it holds? -

in direct subclass of pageradapter in construction pass in empty list<string> list use functionality.
in background task fetch/create strings should passed derived adapter , fragment do: derivedadapter.notifydatasetchanged().
inside derivedadapter have overriden method follows:

@override     public void notifydatasetchanged() {         items.clear();         items.addall(getcurrentcreatedlist());         super.notifydatasetchanged();     } 

but view pager, have set adapter not display anything. misunderstanding adapters , notifydatasetchanged()?

note: if start adapter full list, works perfectly

if recreate adaptor @ point , reset it works fine. updating via notifydatasetchanged not seem work.
perhaps misunderstanding supposed do?


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