jms - Spring CachingConnectionFactory not reaping when idle -

i using spring cachingconnectionfactory in below configuration cache mq sessions. can see caching working expected:

  • it opens single mq connection
  • creates new sessions needed , reuses them

my application has short lived peaks in message traffic. when there peak, session size bloats , remains there long after peak. looking way of reaping these idle sessions after specific period of inactivity. there anyway achieve this?

<jee:jndi-lookup id="mqqueueconnectionfactory" jndi-name="java:comp/env/jms/myjmsqueueconnectionfactory" />  <bean id="userconnectionfactory" class="org.springframework.jms.connection.usercredentialsconnectionfactoryadapter">     <property name="targetconnectionfactory" ref="mqqueueconnectionfactory"></property> </bean> <bean id="queueconnectionfactory" class="org.springframework.jms.connection.cachingconnectionfactory">     <property name="targetconnectionfactory" ref="userconnectionfactory"></property>     <property name="reconnectonexception" value="${}"></property>     <property name="cacheproducers" value="${}"></property>     <property name="sessioncachesize" value="${}"></property>     <property name="cacheconsumers" value="${}"></property> </bean> 

you can reduce sessioncachesize; sessions closed when cache size exceeded physically closed next time used.


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