python - convex programming with cvxopt or cvxpy -

i need optimize problem cvxopt or cvxpy in python , it's being kind of dificult:

obj function:

minimize sum(a*x^2+b/x) 


5 <= x < 40;  sum(v/d)<=t 

where x variable (vector); , b know vectors , t constant.

the following code solves problem in cvxpy. assumed meant sum(x/d) <= t.

# replace these values. n = 2 = 2 b = 2 d = 2 t = 1000  import cvxpy cvx  x = cvx.variable(n) obj = cvx.sum_entries(a*x**2 + b*cvx.inv_pos(x)) constr = [5 <= x,            x <= 40,           cvx.sum_entries(x/d) <= t] prob = cvx.problem(cvx.minimize(obj), constr) prob.solve() 


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