Identity 2.0 Web Api, iOS and Android Clients Facebook app approval always rejected -

here our setup:

1) web api project identity 2.0 external login support facebook. 2)a native ios app , native android app

we using appid , secret in web api , identity facebook authorization options. , using web views login process facebook. however, also, after user authenticated, allowing them share different pieces of application facebook. currently, website shows scope of publish_actions, user_videos , user_photos.

facebook telling custom web views not okay, , have use native sdk's on of them. what's purpose of identity providing ability utilize getting external accounts , access tokens if can't use them on mobile app? of our code sharing process happens on actual controllers in web api project. display popup allows user enter text gets posted, facebook describes.

how can submit facebook app explain them website actual application utilizes facebook actions requesting?

is possible? if not, why technology available allow external logins via api, when you'd using service native mobile client??

thanks help, brent


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