Client-side authentication with google+ for iOS on azure mobile service backend -

i'm trying integrate server-side side google+ sign-in ios app.

this did:

func application(application: uiapplication, openurl url: nsurl, sourceapplication: nsstring?, annotation: anyobject) -> bool {    return gppurlhandler.handleurl(url, sourceapplication: sourceapplication, annotation:annotation) } 

// in view controller @iboutlet weak var gploginview: gppsigninbutton!

    googleplus = gppsignin.sharedinstance()     googleplus.shouldfetchgoogleplususer = true     googleplus.clientid = "client-id"     googleplus.homeserverclientid = "home-client-id"     googleplus.scopes.append(kgtlauthscopepluslogin)     googleplus.delegate = self;   func finishedwithauth(auth: gtmoauth2authentication!, error: nserror!) {     if error != nil     {         println("[googleauthentication] error: \(error)")     }     else     {         var servercode = gppsignin.sharedinstance().homeserverauthorizationcode         if servercode == nil         {             println("[googleauthentication] homeserverauthorizationcode missing")             googleplus.disconnect()         }         else         {             client.loginwithprovider("google", token: ["access_token" : servercode])             {                 user, error in                 println("[azure::loginwithtoken] result. user=\(user). error=\(error).")             }         }     } } 

my have 2 credentials in google developer console. 1 ios application , web application. clientid ios application specified in googleplus.clientid. clientid web application specified in homeserverclientid. also, same clientid , secret specified in azure mobile service identities configuration.

also url schema created name of application bundle.

i client portion of authentication passed , able homeserverauthorizationcode, when try server side portion error azure mobile service. error is: error code=-1301 "the server returned error." userinfo=0x170464c80 {nslocalizeddescription=the server returned error.}.

please figure out doing wrong?

thanks, ruben


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