ios - Replace enum's rawValue property with a custom operator -

well, honest, don't calling rawvalue when accessing enum value.
use enum time , think calling .rawvalue makes code less "readable":

enum fontsize: cgfloat {     case small = 12     case normal = 15     case large = 18 } enum example: string {     case first = "first"     case second = "second" } 

so, i'm trying define generic operator enum "override" .rawvalue.
i can non-generically.

postfix operator .. { }  postfix func .. (lhs: example) -> string {     return lhs.rawvalue }  postfix func .. (lhs: fontsize) -> cgfloat {     return lhs.rawvalue } 

however, i'm lazy want universal solution. writes one, works all.

can me ? thank you.

update: people interested in question, if want increase/decrease functions enum fontsize above. use these:

postfix func ++ <t: rawrepresentable, v: floatingpointtype>(lhs: t) -> v {     return (lhs.rawvalue as! v) + 1 }  postfix func -- <t: rawrepresentable, v: floatingpointtype>(lhs: t) -> v {     return (lhs.rawvalue as! v) - 1 }  postfix func ++ <t: rawrepresentable, v: integertype>(lhs: t) -> v {     return (lhs.rawvalue as! v) + 1 }  postfix func -- <t: rawrepresentable, v: integertype>(lhs: t) -> v {     return (lhs.rawvalue as! v) - 1 } 

gist future reference here

hei man, lazy! ;-)

postfix operator .. { }  postfix func ..<t: rawrepresentable> (lhs: t) -> t.rawvalue {     return lhs.rawvalue } 

there's protocol :-)

anyway beware not introducing esoteric custom operators ;-)


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