vb.net - This code is supposed to output the number of times a word starts with a letter from the alphabet, but just displays zero for each one -

this code supposed output number of times word starts letter alphabet, displays 0 each 1 no errors, text file of letters , 0 each one.

when pressing debug button, appears nothing. here's code

imports system.io   module module1  sub main()     dim myarray new list(of string)     using myreader streamreader = new streamreader(".\myfile.txt")         'telling vb we're using streamreader, read line @ time         dim myline string         myline = myreader.readline 'assigns line string variable myline         while (not myline nothing)             myarray.add(myline) 'adding list of words in array             console.writeline(myline)             myline = myreader.readline         loop     end using     sortmyarray(myarray) 'calls new subroutine => sortmyarray, passing through parameter myarray,      'created on line 7 stores of lines read text file.     'console.readline()     wordcount(myarray) end sub  sub sortmyarray(byval mysort list(of string))     dim tmp string, writepath string = ".\sorted.txt"     dim max integer = mysort.count - 1     dim mywriter streamwriter = new streamwriter(writepath)      loop1 = 0 max - 1         loop2 = loop1 + 1 max             if mysort(loop1) > mysort(loop2)                 tmp = mysort(loop2)                 mysort(loop2) = mysort(loop1)                 mysort(loop1) = tmp              end if         next         mywriter.writeline(mysort.item(loop1).tostring())     next     mywriter.dispose() end sub sub wordcount(byval stringarray list(of string))     dim alphabet string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", mystring string     dim writepath string = ".\counted.txt"     dim mywriter streamwriter = new streamwriter(writepath)     dim countof(25) integer, max integer = stringarray.count - 1      loop1 = 0 25         mystring = alphabet.substring(loop1, 1)         loop2 = 0 max             if stringarray(loop2).substring(0, 1) = mystring                 countof(loop1) += 1             end if         next         mywriter.writeline(mystring & " occured " & countof(loop1) & " times ")     next     mywriter.dispose() end sub   end module 

any appreciated. thanks


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