actionscript 3 - How to detect a unique person in front of media station -

i need create application capable of detecting person entering , leaving area in front of big screen. since sensors infrared , ultrasound can fooled multiple persons thinking of using face / person recognition. 1 option use kinekt sensor. questions: system reliable? there option?

thanks bundle!

i've used kinect kind of projects in actionscript , unity c# , can that's best , solution detect person , mantain low cost. have 2 possibilities use kinect as3:

  • first use air ane (adobe native extension) , interface c++/c# dll application.

  • second 1 use old trick of socket communication. have 2 application as3 , c#/c++ , put them in communication tcp/udp connection on loopback interface.

imho best solution first one, don't have write protocol communicate call methods , receive events normal api.


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