if statement - Syntax Issue involving eststo -

i stuck following syntax problem involving eststo (stata version 13).

i have restricted analysis subgroup of dataset.

generate subsample1=0  replace subsample1=1 if [(cs_rb010==2009 & l.rb210==1 & l.unmetneed==0) | (cs_rb010==2010 & l.rb210==1 & l.unmetneed==0)] 

now want run models created , bring them in table. end used eststo. problem stata won´t let me use if command: i've tried possible combinations , if messing up. please see below.

ssc install estout, replace  eststo clear  xtset pid cs_rb010  eststo: xi: logit unmetneed i.employment age agesq i.education i.maritalstatus i.cs_rb020 if subsample1=1, or eststo: xi: logit unmetneed i.employment age agesq i.education i.maritalstatus il.selfratedhealth i.cs_rb020 if subsample1=1, or  eststo: xi: logit unmetneed i.employment  age agesq i.education i.maritalstatus il.selfratedhealth i.makeendsmeet i.cs_rb020 if subsample1=1, or   esttab esttab using "c:\users\joana\documents\mphil\silc datasets\results", ci(a2) r2(a2) l nodep replace b(a2) star(* 0.05 ** 0.01) onecell eststo clear 

how can run these models , still able append them using eststo?


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