Receiving a TypeError in FF and Chrome for JavaScript Function -

please help...i have tried correct error in firefox , chrome. receiving current error when run function. "typeerror: obj1.options not function". have tried many things including trying change onclick function jquery .click() function , placing between jquery document.ready function. works fine in ie, throws typeerror in other browsers. multiple type errors 1 addmember function , 1 remove member. may old deprecated javascript. offered appreciated. thanks

function removemember(idx, idx2){ //centralizes code remove selected items multiple select (listbox). //loops "backward" maintain valid indexing counters while removing items.  var obj = idx; var obj2 = idx2; var ncount = 0;     ncount = obj.options.length - 1;             ( ncount; ncount > -1; ncount -- ) {         if ( obj.options(ncount).selected == true ) {                            var ooption = document.createelement("option");              ooption.text = obj.options(ncount).text;             ooption.value = obj.options(ncount).value;             obj.options.remove(ncount);             //jjk added add avail list              obj2.add(ooption);                                   }                    } //for       //sort both listboxes     sortoptions(obj2);     sortoptions(obj);        } 

here complete html file can see all. have 2 list boxes , there 2 images click actions add or remove list items left first listset second listset.

<!-- #include file = "../include/" -->  <!-- #include file = "../include/" -->    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">  <html>  <head>  <%  checkpermissions pmanagepfi, true  dim stype, pfiname  dim objsup, osrs, ret, isupid    stype = request.querystring ("type")  pfid = request.form ("pfid")  'set type  if stype = "sv"  	stype = "2"  elseif stype = "dc"  	stype = "1"  end if  'get pfi name	  if not pfid = ""  	set objpfi = server.createobject("") 					  	pfiname  = objpfi.getname(clng(pfid)) 								  	set objpfi=nothing			  end if			    function seloptions()  	response.write "<option value='0'>select</option>"  	if stype = "2"  		response.write "<option selected value='2'>servicer</option>"  	else  		response.write "<option value='2'>servicer</option>"  	end if  						    			  	if stype = "1"  		response.write "<option selected value='1'>document custodian</option>"  	else  		response.write "<option value='1'>document custodian</option>"  	end if  end function    function getsupporters()  			set objsup = server.createobject("")   			dim ssupportname, gettype  			  			if stype = "2"  				gettype = "servicer"  			elseif stype = "1"  				gettype = "document custodian"  			end if  			ret = objsup.getsupportlist(cstr(gettype), clng(pfid))   				  			set osrs = unpersistrs(ret)  			if not osrs.eof then			  				osrs.movefirst   				osrs.filter = "bactive = true"  					do while not osrs.eof  						ssupportname = osrs.fields("ssupport_name").value  						isupid = osrs.fields("isupport_id").value  						response.write "<option value='" & isupid & "'>" & ssupportname & "</option>"  						osrs.movenext  					loop  			end if  			set osrs=nothing  			set objsup=nothing  end function    function getpfisupporters()  	if not pfid = "" then	  		set objpfi = server.createobject("")           dim osrs   		if stype="2"  			ret = objpfi.getsupporters("servicer",clng(pfid))  		elseif stype= "1"  			 ret = objpfi.getsupporters("document custodian",clng(pfid))  		end if  		if len(ret) <> 0  			set osrs = unpersistrs(ret)    			if not osrs.eof then	  				do while not osrs.eof	  					ssupportname = osrs.fields("ssupport_name").value  					isupid = osrs.fields("isupport_id").value  					response.write "<option value='" & isupid & "'>" & ssupportname & "</option>"  					osrs.movenext  				loop  			end if  		end if  		set osrs=nothing  		set objpfi=nothing  	end if  end function%>    <title>fhlb</title>    <script language="javascript">        function selectvalue(idx, val){  //centralizes code loop index values in select , highlight  //appropriate item.    var obj = idx;  	var ncount = 0;  	var ncounter = 0;  		ncount = obj.options.length;  		for ( ncounter = 0; ncounter < ncount; ncounter ++ ) {  			if ( obj.options(ncounter).value == val ) {		  					obj.selectedindex = ncounter;  				}  			}  			obj.value = obj.options( obj.selectedindex ).value ;   }    function oneselected(idx){  //function search fieldset, , determine whether checkboxes  //have been selected.  var orows = idx.children(0).children(0).children	//the child of fieldset table.  var ncount = idx.children(0).children(0).children.length;  var ncounter = 0;  var ret = false;  	for ( ncounter = 0; ncounter < ncount; ncounter ++ ) {  		if ( orows(ncounter).children(1).children(0).checked == true ) {		  			ret = true;  			break;  		}  	}  	if ( ret == true ){  		return true;  	}  	else{  		return false;  	}  }    function validate() {  	//alert("attempted save");  	  	var obj = document.frmfhlbglobal.memberlist ;   	var ncount = 0;   	var ncounter = 0;     	ncount = obj.options.length;   	for ( ncounter = 0; ncounter < ncount; ncounter ++ ) {   		obj.options(ncounter).selected = true;   	}   	document.frmfhlbglobal.action="process_assignsupporter.asp";  	document.frmfhlbglobal.submit();  }    function refresh() {  	var obj = document.all.seltype;  	obj.value = obj.options( obj.selectedindex ).value;  	document.frmfhlbglobal.action = "assignsupporter.asp?type=" + obj.value;  	document.frmfhlbglobal.submit();  }    function addmember(idx1, idx2){  //centralizes code loop index values in select , highlight  //appropriate item.  var obj1 = idx1;  var obj2 = idx2;  var ncount1 = 0;  var ncounter1 = 0;  var ncount = 0;  		//add entries assigned box  		ncount1 = obj1.options.length;  		for ( ncounter1 = 0; ncounter1 < ncount1; ncounter1 ++ ) {  			if ( obj1.options(ncounter1).selected == true ) {					  				var ooption = document.createelement("option");	  				ooption.text = obj1.options(ncounter1).text;  				ooption.value = obj1.options(ncounter1).value;  				obj2.add(ooption);	  			}			  		}   		//remove entries available box		  		//loops "backward" maintain valid indexing counters while removing items.  		ncount = obj1.options.length - 1;		  		for ( ncount; ncount > -1; ncount -- ) {			  			if ( obj1.options(ncount).selected == true ) {							  				obj1.options.remove(ncount);			  			}  		}  		  		//sort both listboxes  		sortoptions(obj2);  		sortoptions(obj1);	  }      function removemember(idx, idx2){  //centralizes code remove selected items multiple select (listbox).  //loops "backward" maintain valid indexing counters while removing items.    var obj = idx;  var obj2 = idx2;  var ncount = 0;  	ncount = obj.options.length - 1;		  	for ( ncount; ncount > -1; ncount -- ) {  		if ( obj.options(ncount).selected == true ) {				  			var ooption = document.createelement("option");	  			ooption.text = obj.options(ncount).text;  			ooption.value = obj.options(ncount).value;  			obj.options.remove(ncount);  			//jjk added add avail list   			obj2.add(ooption);							  		}				  	} //for	  	  	//sort both listboxes  	sortoptions(obj2);  	sortoptions(obj);		  }    //jjk sort add v2.3.2  function sortoptions(listbox) {      //get listbox values arrays    var arrvalues = new array()   var arrtext = new array()   var obj = listbox;   var ncount = 0;   var ncounter = 0;  	ncount = obj.options.length;  	for ( ncounter = 0; ncounter < ncount; ncounter ++ ) {						  		arrtext[ncounter]= obj.options(ncounter).text;		  		arrvalues[ncounter] = obj.options(ncounter).value;						  	}       var x, y, holder, temp_text1, temp_text2;   // bubble sort method.   for(x = 0; x < arrtext.length; x++) {      for(y = 0; y < (arrtext.length-1); y++) {      temp_text1 = arrtext[y];      temp_text2 = arrtext[y+1];        if(temp_text1.touppercase() > temp_text2.touppercase()) {          holder = arrtext[y+1];          arrtext[y+1] = arrtext[y];          arrtext[y] = holder;          //do same values array keep indexes          holder = arrvalues[y+1];          arrvalues[y+1] = arrvalues[y];          arrvalues[y] = holder;        }      }    }      // update select box list.  	var i;  	for(i = 0; < arrvalues.length; i++) {  	  if(listbox.options[i] == null) {  	    var ooption = document.createelement("option");	  			ooption.text = arrtext[i];  			ooption.value = arrvalues[i];			  			listbox.options[i] = ooption;  	  }   	  else {  	    listbox.options[i].text = arrtext[i];  	    listbox.options[i].value = arrvalues[i];  	  }  	}  } //jjk sort end    function gopfi(){  	document.frmfhlbglobal.action ="viewpfi.asp";  	document.frmfhlbglobal.submit();    }    </script>  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/<%=application("districtcode")%>.css">  </head>  <body>    <!-- #include file = "../include/" -->  <p>  <table align="center" valign="middle" width="50%" border="1" class="innertable">  				<tr>     					<td class="tableheader" width="100%">     						<center><font class="tableheadertitletext">add supporter <%=pfiname%></font></center>     					</td>	  				</tr>  				<tr><td align="center">				  					<form name="frmfhlbglobal" method="post" action="process_assignsupporter.asp">  					<input type="hidden" name="pfid" value="<%=pfid%>">  					<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">  					  					<input type="hidden" name="test">  					<tr>  					<td align="center">  					 					  						<fieldset><!------list name , type-------->  						<table class="innertable" width="100%" border="0">  							<tr>  								<td class="innertabletextsmall">  						     		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  						     		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  						     		<b>list type:</b>&nbsp;  						    		<select name="seltype" onchange="refresh()">  						    			<%=seloptions%>  						    		</select>  						     	</td>  							</tr>  						</table>  						</fieldset>  						  						<fieldset><!------listbox select-------->  						<table class="innertable" width="100%" border="0">  							<tr>  								<td width="45%" align="center" class="innertabletextsmall">  								<b>available<b><br>  									<select name="mainlist" multiple style="width: 200" size="15" ondblclick="addmember(document.frmfhlbglobal.mainlist, document.frmfhlbglobal.memberlist);">  										<%  										'if len(trim(stroptions)) > 0  											response.write getsupporters()										  										'end if  										%>  									</select>  									  								</td>  								<td width="10%" align="center" valign="middle">  									<img src="../images/<%=application("districtcode")%>/add2.gif" name="add member(s)" id="add" onclick="addmember(document.frmfhlbglobal.mainlist, document.frmfhlbglobal.memberlist);">	  									<img src="../images/<%=application("districtcode")%>/remove.gif" name="remove member(s)" id="remove" onclick="removemember(document.frmfhlbglobal.memberlist, document.frmfhlbglobal.mainlist);">	  								</td>  								<td width="45%" align="center" class="innertabletextsmall">  									<b>currently assigned<b><br>  									<select name="memberlist" multiple style="width: 200" size="15" ondblclick="removemember(document.frmfhlbglobal.memberlist);">  										<%=getpfisupporters()%>  									</select>  									  								</td>  							</tr>  						</table>  						</fieldset>  						<fieldset>  						<table class="innertable" width="100%" border="0">  						<tr>  							<td align="center">  								<img src="../images/<%=application("districtcode")%>/save.gif" name="save" id="save" onclick="validate()">	  								<img src="../images/<%=application("districtcode")%>/cancel.gif" name="cancel" id="cancel" onclick="gopfi()">	  							</td>  						</tr>  						</table>  						</fieldset>  					</td>  					</tr>  					</table>	  					</td>  				</tr>  			</table>  			<input type="hidden" name="stype" value="<%=stype%>">  		</form>  <!-- #include file = "../include/" -->  </body>  </html>


should be


obj htmlselectelement object. htmlselectelement doesn't have options method, following incorrect:

obj.options(ncount)    // xxx 

htmloptionscollection objects have options property, documented follows:

returns htmloptionscollection containing set of <option> elements contained element.

htmloptionscollection has 2 methods:

  • item(index) - returns specific node @ given zero-based index (gives null if out of range)
  • nameditem(name) - returns specific node given domstring (i.e., string) id. returns null if no such named node exists.

that means should using


htmloptionscollection's parent class says

in javascript, code accesses htmlcollection object, in order item of given htmlcollection, square bracket syntax can used instead of directly calling item() or nameditem() methods. numeric values in square brackets work same way item(), string values work same way nameditem().

that means using



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