wpf in c# returning error "not all code paths return a value" on GetProductRecords() -

this question has answer here:

public class productrecord { private int _code; private string _name; private int _quantity; private string _size; private string _unit; private datetime _dateordered; private string _manufacturer;

    public int code { { return _code; } set { _code = value; } }     public string name { { return _name; } set { _name = value; } }     public int quantity { { return _quantity; } set { _quantity = value; } }     public string size { { return _size; } set { _size = value; } }     public string unit { { return _unit; } set { _unit = value; } }     public datetime dateordered { { return _dateordered; } set { _dateordered = value; } }     public string manufacturer { { return _manufacturer; } set { _manufacturer = value; } }       public static list<productrecord> getproductrecords()     {         list<productrecord> lstrecords = new list<productrecord>();         string strsql = "select * producttable";         oledbconnection cn = new oledbconnection(productcore.connectionstring);         oledbcommand cmd = cn.createcommand();         cmd.commandtext = strsql;         cn.open();         oledbdatareader reader = cmd.executereader();          while (reader.read())         {              productrecord record = new productrecord();             record.code = convert.toint32(reader["code"]);             record.name = reader["name"].tostring();             record.quantity = convert.toint32(reader["quantity"]);             record.size = reader["size"].tostring();             record.unit = reader["unit"].tostring();             record.dateordered = convert.todatetime(reader["dateordered"]);             record.manufacturer = reader["manufacturer"].tostring();              lstrecords.add(record);          } cn.close();     } 

that's because of lack of "return" keyword. declared method return object of type list, created instance of list in method body, , populated in loop. didn't return anywhere :) add

return lstrecords; 

at end of method.


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