parallel processing - Anonymous Functions Dont Work inside parfor loops in matlab? -

i'm not sure if found matlab bug or doing wrong, seems calling anonymous functions inside parfor loop slow down (even slower serial performance)

is correct?

see code:

tic; parfor i=1:6, min(randn(10000000,1)); end; toc tic; i=1:6, min(randn(10000000,1)); end; toc 

parallel elapsed time 0.510345 seconds.

serial elapsed time 0.932137 seconds.

same thing except using anon function:

q = @(x) min(randn(10000000,1)); tic; parfor i=1:6, q([]); end; toc   %parelel tic; i=1:6, q([]); end; toc     %serial   

parallel elapsed time 4.208346 seconds.

serial elapsed time 0.933594 seconds.


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