c# - Bulk insert not working as expected -

i have 2 tables in 2 different server. called 1 local , 1 remote table. reasons, want bulk insert remote table , use local data source. in phpmyadmin, have checked both totalrows.

    table   |  rows     -----------------------     local   |  1111     remote  |  0 

i expect remote table have same rows local table. it's not working expected. after did bulk insert, returns :

    table   |  rows     -----------------------     local   |  1111     remote  |  64 

i don't know why happens. did same way tables 2 different server , works i'm expected. maybe have idea ?

so used same code bulk insert in 2 different remote servers , works perfectly?

are using load data infile? or running multiple insert queries?

if you're using load data infile, wanna make sure path file correct.


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