elasticsearch - Elastic Search filter with aggregate like Max or Min -

i have simple documents scheduleid. count of documents recent scheduleid. assuming max scheduleid recent, how write query. have been searching , reading few hours , work.

{   "aggs": {     "max_schedule": {       "max": {         "field": "scheduleid"       }     }   } } 

that getting me max scheduleid , total count of documents out side of aggregate.

i appreciate if me on how take aggregate value , apply filter (like sub query in sql!).

this should it:

{    "aggs": {       "max_scheduleid": {          "terms": {             "field": "scheduleid",             "order" : { "_term" : "desc" },             "size": 1          }       }    } } 

the terms aggregation give document counts each term, , works integers. need order results term instead of count (the default). , since want highest scheduleid, "size":1 adequate.

here code used test it:



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