javafx - Minimising & Maximising Java fx app programmatically -

i creating custom titlebar application, , implementing minimise && maximise && close buttons stage.. achieving using transparent stagestyle

i maximise way

stage.setheight(screen.getprimary().getvisualbounds().getheight()-margins); stage.setwidth(screen.getprimary().getvisualbounds().getwidth() -margins); stage.setx(1.0); stage.sety(0.0); // let others know 

i close way

// stop custom stuffs stage.close(); 

&& want minimise any way achieve that??

minimisation problem.. incase of have tried, have tried hide(), toback() -(which seems persuade if have piles of windows on screen) , not work

maximize , de-maximize javafx stage

use stage.setmaximized(boolean value).

to maximize:


to restore pre-maximized size:


update further questions

i want java way of hiding effect of app without closing , reopen on demand

sounds question how reduce application icon or restore icon.

iconify , de-iconify javafx stage

to iconify:


to deiconify:



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