odata - Need to fetch Annotation (Notes) for each list in dynamics CRM 2011 -

i trying fetch annotation entity (note) associated every list entity based on list id. want top 1 record when sorted in descending order of created on date. have written below restfull call using odata query in button click event of javascript.

function button1_onclick() {             var filtercriteria = "$select=notetext&$top=1&$orderby=createdon&$expand=list_annotation&$filter=list_annotation/listid eq '" + document.getelementbyid("text1").value + "'";         sdk.jquery.retrievemultiplerecords(  "annotation",  filtercriteria,  function (results) {      if (results != null) {          alert("success.");      }      else {          alert("no notes available.");      }  },  errorhandler,  function () {      //oncomplete handler  }    ); 


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