python - How to count a field and this same field but filtered, in one query in Django? -

i'm not web developper sorry title of question doesn't make sense.

to make things easier, here models (i stripped non necessary fields demonstration):

class user(models.model):     username = models.charfield(max_length=100) class vote(models.model):     user = models.foreignkey(askfmuser)     date = models.datetimefield('vote date') 

and in view, need list users, number of votes received, ordered votes. have no problem doing this, query :

global_votecount = vote.objects.all().values('user', 'user__username').annotate(votestotal=count('user__username')).order_by('-votestotal') 

and in template, display on table 2 columns (username, , vote count).

but need do, display total vote count received time, also, in same html table, name of votes received today.

i know can votes today query:

now = today_votecount = vote.objects.filter(date__year=now.year, date__month=now.month,'user', 'user__username').annotate(todayvotescount=count('user__username'))  

but problem if no votes made specific user during day, not appear in list. also, list, if ordered order_by, ordered differently.

so... see "clean" solution able total vote count , vote count timeperiod (by filtering in "date" field), in single query ? if not possible... manually go though these 2 valuesqueryset add field in first 1 (corresponding "today votes count", when username found in second 1 ?

thank you

i'm not sure how in 1 query, consider this:

global_votecount = vote.objects.all().values('user', 'user__username').annotate(votestotal=count('user__username')).order_by('-votestotal')  import datetime today_min = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time.min) today_max = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time.max)  votestoday = dict(vote.objects.filter(date__range=(today_min, today_max)).values_list('user__username').annotate(votestoday=count('user__username')))   item in global_votecount:     item['votestoday'] = votestoday[item['user__username']] 

this uses 2 queries, , takes results of second , applies results of first query.


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