angularjs - angular.mock.inject causing $injector:moduleerr -

i setting unit tests using karma, require.js, mocha , chai. after setting up, have simple spec file test controller , scope variable.

i know inject function needs used $controller service instantiate controller. unable this. here have :

define([      'angular',     'angularmocks'  ], function() {      describe('myctrl', function() {          var $controller;           beforeeach(angular.mock.module('myapp'));          // ////////// attempt 1           // beforeeach(angular.mock.inject(function(_$controller_){          //   $controller = _$controller_;         // }));          // ////////// attempt 2          // it('should', inject(function(_$rootscope_, _$controller_, _$httpbackend_) {          // }));          it('should', function() {              // ////////// goal               expect($scope.message).to.equal('hello world');             });     }); }); 


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