ember.js - Click not working in Ember-CLI integration test with PhantomJS -

i'm trying click button in ember-cli integration test, , works chrome, tells me click undefined in phantomjs. i've seen other posts recommend defining own click event phantomjs, couldn't work.


that works in chrome, not phantomjs. built in click helper, in ember-cli, appears not work "a:contains('next'):visible".

can help?


i talked guys on ember-cli irc , got selectors work ember click helper in tests, clicks appear nothing. ideas?

test("tour next, back, , cancel builtinbuttons work", function(assert) { assert.expect(6); visit('/').then(function() {   assert.equal(find('.shepherd-active', 'html').length, 1, "body gets class of shepherd-active, when shepherd becomes active");   assert.equal(find('.shepherd-enabled', 'body').length, 2, "attachto element , tour shepherd-enabled class");   assert.equal(find('#shepherdoverlay', 'body').length, 1, "#shepherdoverlay should exist, since ismodal=true");   click('.next-button', '.shepherd-enabled');   andthen(function() {     assert.equal(find('.back-button', '.shepherd-enabled').length, 1, "ensure button appears");   });   click('.back-button', '.shepherd-enabled');   andthen(function() {     assert.equal(find('.back-button', '.shepherd-enabled').length, 0, "ensure button disappears");   });   click('.cancel-button', '.shepherd-enabled');   andthen(function() {     assert.equal(find('[class^=shepherd-button]', '.shepherd-enabled').length, 0, "ensure buttons gone, after exit");   });   }); }); 


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