ffmpeg - Node.js spawn not working with quotes inside argument -

i'm trying run command spawn

var args = ['-ss','00:00:15','-i',storage_path + doc.file_name,'-vframes','1','-vf','"scale='+size*2+':ih*'+size*2+'/iw,crop='+size+':'+size+'"','-f','image2','-q:v','5',storage_path + output_name];  var command = spawn('ffmpeg', args); 

the issue seems part here: '"scale='+size*2+':ih*'+size*2+'/iw,crop='+size+':'+size+'"'

when log args, get:

[ '-ss', '00:00:15', '-i', '/a/video.mp4', '-vframes', '1', '-vf', '"scale=150:ih*150/iw, crop=75:75"', '-f', 'image2', '-q:v', '5', '/a/75.jpg' ]

if take that, , .join(' '), command: -ss 00:00:15 -i /a/video.mp4 -vframes 1 -vf "scale=150:ih*150/iw, crop=75:75" -f image2 -q:v 5 /a/75.jpg

when run ffmpeg this, good.

any ideas how format spawn arguments?

thank you!

don't use quotes vf:



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