java - inserting byte array into blob column -

i'm trying insert byte array blob column in sqlite database. i've tried both setbinarystream , setbytes, i'm getting not implemented sqlite jdbc driver exception. i'm using sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar.what jar should use work? thanks!

here's code:

 public void adddriverdata(string prenume,string nume,string telefon,string email,string permis,string parola,byte[] photo) throws sqlexception     { string sql = "insert driver(first_name,last_name,phone,email,permit,password,photo)values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";         preparedstatement stm = c.preparestatement(sql);         stm.setstring(1,prenume);         stm.setstring(2,nume);         stm.setstring(3,telefon);         stm.setstring(4,email);         stm.setstring(5,permis);         stm.setstring(6, parola);         //stm.setbinarystream(7,new bytearrayinputstream(photo),photo.length);         stm.setbytes(7, photo);          system.out.println(sql);         stm.executeupdate(sql);         stm.close();         c.commit();     } 

once preparedstatement object has been created with

string sql = "insert ..."; preparedstatement stm = c.preparestatement(sql); 

the object has processed sql command text. when time comes execute preparedstatement need is


(the method call executeupdate(sql) intended used statement objects, not preparedstatement objects.)


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