sql server - Pivot query error when added to a stored procedure, but runs OK in query builder window -

when run query in regular sql runs fine , correct results. now, want make query dynamic having user add dates such @dtfrom , @dtto date. these user supply dates application. now, i'm trying create stored procedure in sql server run this, these error ")" mis-placed. have looked @ , test portion of query without success.

create procedure dbo.[usp_cleaner_kg_per_date] @dtfrom datetime, @dtto datetime  begin set nocount on; declare @query varchar(4000) declare @packdate varchar(2000)  select  @packdate = stuff(( select distinct                         '],[' + ((left(convert(varchar, packdate, 120), 10)))                            vw_cleanersummary2015 (packdate >= @dtfrom) , (packdate <= @dtto)                         order '],[' + ((left(convert(varchar, packdate, 120), 10)))                         xml path('')                         ), 1, 2, '') + ']'  set @query = 'select * ( select     id,kg,packdate         vw_cleanersummary2015 group packdate,id,[kg/hr] )t pivot (sum(kg) packdate in ('+@packdate+')) pvt'  execute (@query) 

if of procedure code issue missing closing end after execute match opening begin.


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