java - My buttons wont appear until i hover over it with my mouse -

i have problem , yes saw other people had problem not realy able compare there code mine , see problem way hope u can me.

i use intellij write code , use there gui desinger make gui's when added button didnt display untill hover mouse , possitions wrong , cant realy work. here classes // jpanel class public class paintmenu extends jpanel{

public jpanel menupanel; public jbutton newgamebutt; public jbutton loadgamebutt; public jbutton helpbutt; public jbutton optionsbutt; public jbutton info; public jbutton quitbutt;  public paintmenu(){      add(newgamebutt);     add(loadgamebutt);     add(helpbutt);     add(info);     add(optionsbutt);     add(quitbutt);     setvisible(true);   }  //this de jframe class  public class jframepainter extends jframe {  paintmenu menupaint = new paintmenu();  public jframepainter(){       //main frame settings     settitle("kingdom v " + reference.version);     setsize(reference.width, reference.height);     setresizable(false);     setlocationrelativeto(null);     setvisible(kingdom.vissible);     setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);     //draw jpnael     getcontentpane().add(menupaint);  } 

try setting jframe visible after add jpanel it. may want call this.pack() after add jpanel.

//main frame settings settitle("kingdom v " + reference.version); setsize(reference.width, reference.height); setresizable(false); setlocationrelativeto(null); //draw jpnael getcontentpane().add(menupaint);  //moved before setting visible this.pack();                      // call pack before setting visible setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); setvisible(kingdom.vissible); 


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