gradle - Why is this finalizer running even when the finalized task is up-to-date? -
i want run transformations on code quality reports can have them in both human- , machine-readable formats. thought finalizedby
ideal tool use because, according the documentation:
finalizer tasks executed if finalized task fails.
… …
finalizer tasks not executed if finalized task didn't work, example if considered date
however, i'm seeing transform tasks running when tasks finalize up-to-date. here's build.gradle
apply plugin: "findbugs" apply plugin: "java" repositories { mavencentral() } def findbugsjar = project.configurations.findbugs.find {"findbugs") } tasks.withtype(findbugs) { reports { xml.destination "$builddir/reports/${}.xml" xml.setwithmessages(true) } def taskname = def transformer = tasks.create(name: "transform" + gutil.tocamelcase(taskname)) it.finalizedby transformer transformer.description "transform report $taskname html." transformer << { ant.xslt(in: "$builddir/reports/${taskname}.xml", out: "$builddir/reports/${taskname}.html") { style { zipentry(zipfile: findbugsjar, name: "fancy-hist.xsl") } } } }
and output of ./gradlew check
without source changes:
$ ./gradlew check :compilejava up-to-date :processresources up-to-date :classes up-to-date :findbugsmain up-to-date :transformfindbugsmain :compiletestjava up-to-date :processtestresources up-to-date :testclasses up-to-date :findbugstest up-to-date :transformfindbugstest failed failure: build failed exception.
as can see, transformfindbugsmain
being run though findbugsmain
up-to-date. worse, simplified test case happens contain no test classes, findbugstest
produces no output @ (gradle appears consider "up-to-date", seems reasonable enough, suppose). result, transformfindbugstest
bombs out entirely (the stack trace — omitted here brevity — indicates indeed result of ant.xslt not being able find source file).
am misunderstanding intended behavior of finalizedby
? there wrong build file?
i'm running gradle 2.3 , java (64-bit) 1.8.0_40 on windows 8.
as @opal mentioned, indeed looks bug. next minimal gradle code repro problem:
task tasky << { println 'tasky' } task taskx { outputs.uptodatewhen { true } finalizedby tasky dolast { println 'taskx' } }
$ ./gradlew taskx :taskx up-to-date :tasky tasky
per specific case, possible workaround can condition action on existence of relevant file ($builddir/reports/${taskname}.xml
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